Veterans Lists
Lists were prepared in the beginning of 2005.
Russian Federation Overseas
Central Russia Far East Northwest Siberia South Urals the Povolzhye
Lists were prepared in the beginning of 2005.
Russian Federation Overseas
Central Russia Far East Northwest Siberia South Urals the Povolzhye
Alphabetic List:
Pupynin Nikola Kondratyevich, b. 19.12.1924
Pupyshev Nikola Andreyevich, b. 30.11.1917
Pusev Ivan Gavrilovich, b. 15.03.1920
Pushkarenko Klavdia Parfentyevna, b. 18.11.1923
Pustoshkin Ivan Andreyevich, b. 09.11.1924
Pustovetov Grigory Afanasyevich, b. 04.04.1908
Pustovotov Konstantin Grigoryevich, b. 04.06.1916
Putilin Nikola Ivanovich, b. 10.11.1924
Putilina Yelena Dmitrievna, b. 26.09.1925
Puzhelev Vladimir Aleksandrovich, b. 17.06.1924
Pyatach Grigory Yefimovich, b. 20.08.1926
Pyatakov Leonid Isidorovich, b. 19.06.1923
Pyshchik Arkady Fedorovich, b. 02.10.1922
Pyshnenko Andre Stepanovich, b. 20.03.1920
Pyzhov Yevgeny Nikolayevich, b. 07.12.1915
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