Veterans Lists

Lists were prepared in the beginning of 2005.

Russian Federation Overseas

Central Russia Far East Northwest Siberia South Urals the Povolzhye


Agibalov Ivan Tikhonovich, b. 09.07.1923

Agishev Alekse Mikhalovich, b. 19.03.1918

Aglamishyants Varam Kareginovna, b. 26.01.1923

Agopov Arutyun Vaganovich, b. 29.09.1921

Agopov Khevont Yegzayevich, b. 24.05.1914

Agopov Mikhail Vaganovich, b. 01.01.1924

Agryzkov Pavel Yefimovich, b. 05.11.1918

Agurenko Anna Mikhalovna, b. 25.12.1924

Agureyev Aleksandr Filippovich, b. 28.11.1925

Agureyev Nikola Mitrofanovich, b. 05.12.1923

Agureyev Petr Yefimovich, b. 01.10.1923

Agureyeva Yevdokia Ivanovna, b. 15.06.1914

Aidinyan Vladimir Khachaturovich, b. 04.11.1924

Aistov Viktor Georgievich, b. 06.10.1918

Akalelov Petr Akimovich, b. 23.02.1924

Akatnov Alekse Petrovich, b. 17.03.1925

Akatnov Stepan Artemovich, b. 27.12.1914

Akchurin Ibragim Abubekarovich, b. 17.08.1918

Akentiev Yevgeny Karpovich, b. 16.06.1921

Akentyev Dmitry Nikitovich, b. 13.09.1926

Veteran Search

Example: Kamyshan Leonty Zakharovich